I was around 16 when I went to my first Yoga class with a group of friends. Imagine, a cold church hall and a group of giggling teens. Next thing I know we're all in Downward Dog and my friend lets out the biggest fart! Unsurprisingly I didn’t return to Yoga until about 10 years later to compliment my ‘gym, eat, repeat’ lifestyle, using it as a way to stretch out my sore muscles.

“True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived. Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been; yoga cares about the person you are becoming. Yoga is designed for a vast and profound purpose, and for it to be truly called yoga, its essence must be embodied.” — Aadil Palkhivala
After moving to Australia, I quickly discovered it really is the land of the smoothie bowl, sunrise Yoga sessions and bare foot wanderers; giving me lots of inspiration to continue with my practice. I started to take it more seriously when I was travelling around India. Now you can't go to India and not explore Yoga further! Something suddenly clicked, and I decided to embark on my Yoga Teacher Training, in the middle of the jungle in Goa. Imagine monkeys playing in the trees overhead during your morning practice! I truly fell head over heels in love with Yoga.
The mindfulness aspect took a while to catch up with my physical practice, but I now realise how much mental strength Yoga gives me. When I’m on my mat, my mind is calm and still. I have a very loud self-critic, teamed with being an over thinker, so my mind can be like the Wild West at times. I know that as long as I get on my mat, even for 10 minutes, the hard edges of those negative thoughts will be softened.
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As a Yoga Teacher, I strive to share knowledge with my students. Giving them the 'how's and why's' of the poses, allowing them to confidently practice at home. My classes focus on alignment and anatomical benefits, so you'll see sequences such as; Shoulder Mobility, Core Strengthening and Pelvis Alignment. Whether you're a total beginner or full-fledged Yoga lover, my classes are tailored for everyone.
I want you to feel empowered every time you step on to your yoga mat. Learn how to practice from within, listening to your internal world. Understanding how your external world influences the way you show up on your mat.
You are your own best teacher.
Start flowing authentically, owning your practice and embracing your limitations.
I teach yoga at hotels all over the world, and collaborate with Adventure Yogi, hosting yoga retreats. Over the years, I have been lucky enough to teach in Australia, Italy, UK, Guatemala, Ecuador, Bali and now Online.

2017 Tapas Yoga India 200hr Yoga Teacher Training
2019 Patrick Beach 10hr Inversion Training
2020 David Robson Yoga 10hr Alignment Focused Training
2020 Centre of Excellence Ayurveda Diploma
2022 Jason Crandell Art of Sequencing Course
2023 Alexandria Crow Deconstruct to Reconstruct Course